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This method is to be utilized as a standalone rhythm teaching tool. It should be used to teach rhythmic foundations and is divided into multiple sections based on certain rhythmic structures and patterns. While teachers should be encouraged to work sequentially, the method can also be utilized in pull out units as new rhythmic figures are introduced.

Every lesson is broken down into three main sections:

  • Level 1 introduces various patterns and uses repetition to achieve mastery.

  • Level 2 takes the patterns and begins to mix some of them into attainable exercises.

  • Level 3 includes a full page etude that cycles through the many variations.


Students who complete the etude are content-level rhythmic masters! To help ensure successful teaching and student mastery, teachers should utilize the following teaching pattern:

  • Tap It: Foot taps quarter note beat while the student taps the written rhythm with hand across chest.

  • Say It: Foot taps quarter note beat while the student speaks the rhythm.

  • Clap It: Foot taps quarter note beat while student claps the written rhythm.

  • Play It: Foot taps quarter note while student plays the written rhythm on a unison note as determined by the teacher.



Rhythm Master (Sequential Curriculum)

SKU: 364215376135191
  • This product is sold as a licensed-digital PDF. The price customized based on the size of the building or district purchasing.

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